Getting Started With Vaxrank


Vaxrank is a tool for selecting mutated peptides for use in personalized therapeutic cancer vaccination. Vaxrank determines which peptides should be used in a vaccine from tumor-specific somatic mutations, tumor RNA sequencing data, and a patient’s HLA type. Additionally, Vaxrank considers surrounding non-mutated residues in a peptide to prioritize vaccine peptide candidates and improve the odds of successful synthesis.

Vaxrank is being actively developed at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai as part of the Genetics and Genomic Sciences program.

Questions, Bug Reporting, and Issue Tracking

Questions, bug reporting and issue tracking are provided by GitHub. Please report all bugs by creating a new issue. You can ask questions by creating a new issue with the question tag.


Vaxrank can be installed using pip:

pip install vaxrank

Note: to generate PDF reports, you first need to install wkhtmltopdf, which you can do (on OS X) like so:

brew install Caskroom/cask/wkhtmltopdf

Vaxrank uses PyEnsembl for accessing information about the reference genome. You must install an Ensembl release corresponding to the reference genome associated with the mutations provided to Vaxrank.

The latest release for GRCh38 is Ensembl 87:

pyensembl install --release 87 --species human

The latest release for GRCh37 is Ensembl 75:

pyensembl install --release 75 --species human

Running Vaxrank

Basic Vaxrank usage involves these parameters:

vaxrank \
    --vcf somatic-variants.vcf \
    --bam tumor-rna.bam \
    --mhc-predictor netmhc \
    --mhc-alleles A*02:01,A*02:03 \
    --mhc-epitope-lengths 8 \
    --padding-around-mutation 5 \
    --vaccine-peptide-length 25 \
    --output-ascii-report vaccine-peptides-report.txt

This tells Vaxrank to:

  • consider each variant from the input VCF file against the RNA evidence in the input BAM file;
  • predict MHC binding of each resulting mutant protein sequence using the NetMHC prediction algorithm with the A*02:01 and A*02:03 MHC alleles, evaluating sequences of length 8 for purposes of MHC binding prediction;
  • choose protein vaccine candidates, each composed of 25 amino acids; and
  • generate a report written to vaccine-peptides-report.txt, containing the top ranked variants with their associated vaccine proteins.

For a complete description of parameters supported by Vaxrank, keep on reading.

Variant Parameters

Vaxrank starts with a set of candidate genomic variants and considers each for inclusion in the vaccine. There are several ways to specify a set of variants for Vaxrank to consider:

--vcf VCF_FILE Genomic variants in VCF format.
--maf MAF_FILE Genomic variants in MAF format.
--json-variants JSON_VARIANTS
 Path to Varcode.VariantCollection object serialized as a JSON file. To learn more about Varcode, see docs.

MHC Prediction Parameters

Vaxrank uses a patient’s HLA type information to predict which of the candidate vaccine peptides are most likely to be seen and targeted by the patient’s immune system. The MHC alleles can be passed in either in a file or as a comma-separated list of inputs.

--mhc-alleles-file MHC_ALLELES_FILE
 File with one HLA allele per line
--mhc-alleles MHC_ALLELES
 Comma-separate or space-separated list of MHC alleles, e.g. “HLA-A*02:01,HLA-A*02:03”.
--mhc-peptide-lengths MHC_PEPTIDE_LENGTHS
 Comma-separated list of epitope lengths to consider for MHC binding prediction, e.g. “8,9,10,11”. This can also take a range of values, e.g. “8-11”.

In addition, the user can specify different MHC binding predictors for Vaxrank to use:

--mhc-predictor MHC_PREDICTOR
 MHC predictor to use. MHCFlurry is an open-source predictor installed by default. Note that to use NetMHC predictors, you need to have locally installed the NetMHC suite software, with binaries like NetMHCpan as executable files on your path. See a list of all supported predictors here.

RNA Parameters

Vaxrank uses input tumor RNA data to see whether the input somatic variants are sufficiently expressed.

--bam BAM BAM file containing tumor RNA reads.

Each variant’s effect on a resulting protein is predicted and matched against what we see in the input RNA. There are many options available to the power user, but the only actual required argument is the location of the tumor RNA BAM; all values listed below come with reasonable defaults.

--min-alt-rna-reads MIN_ALT_RNA_READS
 Minimum number of RNA reads supporting the variant allele. Default: 2.
--min-variant-sequence-coverage MIN_VARIANT_SEQUENCE_COVERAGE
 Minimum number of reads supporting a variant sequence. Variant sequences will be trimmed to positions supported by at least this number of RNA reads. Default: 2.
 By default, variant cDNA sequences are assembled from overlapping reads. Include this argument to disable the assembly behavior.
 Vaxrank will try to translate protein sequences of this length, though sometimes the resulting sequence may be shorter (depending on the RNA data, presence of stop codons, etc.). Default: 20.
--max-reference-transcript-mismatches MAX_REFERENCE_TRANSCRIPT_MISMATCHES
 Maximum number of mismatches between the variant sequence being constructed and the reference sequence before the variant sequence gets dropped from consideration. Default: 2.
 By default, only mismatches that occur before the actual variant locus count against –max-reference-transcript-mismatches. Set this value to True if you also want to count mismatches after the variant locus towards the total. Default: false.
--min-transcript-prefix-length MIN_TRANSCRIPT_PREFIX_LENGTH
 Number of nucleotides before the variant we try to match against a reference transcript. Default: 10.
--min-mapping-quality MIN_MAPPING_QUALITY
 Minimum MAPQ value to allow for a read. Default: 1.
 Use a read even if it’s been marked as a duplicate. Default: false.
 If true, Vaxrank will use a read even at a location that isn’t its primary alignment. Default: false.

Vaccine Peptide Parameters

There are some more options to specify the desired characteristics of the output vaccine peptides, which will contain shorter sequences that contain the mutation and are predicted to be strong MHC binders.

--vaccine-peptide-length VACCINE_PEPTIDE_LENGTH
 Number of amino acids in the resulting vaccine peptides. Default: 25.
--padding-around-mutation PADDING_AROUND_MUTATION
 Number of off-center windows around the mutation to consider as vaccine peptides. Default: 0.
--min-epitope-score MIN_EPITOPE_SCORE
 Ignore epitopes whose normalized score falls below this threshold. Default: 0.001.

Output Parameters

By default, the report will contain all high-confidence vaccine peptides, but the report can be made more restrictive using the following parameters:

--max-vaccine-peptides-per-mutation MAX_VACCINE_PEPTIDES_PER_MUTATION
 Number of vaccine peptides to generate for each mutation
--max-mutations-in-report MAX_MUTATIONS_IN_REPORT
 Number of mutations to report

Output Formats

Vaxrank can generate many types of outputs. The most basic output is an ASCII-formatted report, listing each high-scoring variant and its associated vaccine peptides. However, the user can also generate a PDF report and two types of Excel reports.

Options related to report generation:
--output-ascii-report OUTPUT_ASCII_REPORT
 Path to ASCII vaccine peptide report
--output-html-report OUTPUT_HTML_REPORT
 Path to HTML vaccine peptide report
--output-pdf-report OUTPUT_PDF_REPORT
 Path to PDF vaccine peptide report
--output-xlsx-report OUTPUT_XLSX_REPORT
 Path to XLSX vaccine peptide report worksheet, one sheet per variant. This is meant for use by the vaccine manufacturer.
--output-neoepitope-report OUTPUT_NEOEPITOPE_REPORT
 Path to XLSX neoepitope report, containing information focusing on short peptide sequences.

Vaxrank can also output all variants and vaccine sequences in a JSON file, which can be used for further programmatic processing if necessary. The file output location should be specified by:

--output-json-file OUTPUT_JSON_FILE
 Path to JSON vaccine peptide data